Artificially Yours

Randomly glance at any media article or video about technology and it is difficult to avoid at least a mention of artificial intelligence (AI). Almost unnoticed, AI has been creeping into our daily lives for several years but the pace is accelerating. Smart home devices and apps such as Uber are just a tip of the iceberg. 5G wireless is coming soon. This new technology comes loaded with promises of instant communications, control of self-driving vehicles and the artificial intelligence needed to deliver.

Canada is a world leader in AI and our Canadian Artificial Intelligence Products and Services Market Report, 2020 Edition is the first and the most comprehensive, independent study published on this rapidly growing industry segment.

The report examines in detail the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning market in Canada by focusing on the current state of research, product development and general application. Particularly important is the current state of the technologies as they are applied to everyday human-machine interactions and their abilities to improve processes in business and industry.

The report is divided into five sections and opens with a question – What exactly is AI? – and goes on the provide some basic answers. This is followed by a discussion on Canada’s global leading position in AI research and application and provides some insight regarding the potential benefits AI brings to business in general and service providers in particular. Section two provides a simplified explanation of the technologies involved in AI.

This is followed in section three with profiles of the ten most prominent AI players in Canada. Particular emphasis is placed on current and immediate future AI products and strategies to expand their reach. Section four offers some insight into the end user AI offerings by the three incumbent service providers.

Still in development, the the final section contains some AI use cases that cover applications ranging from network traffic management and security to company data management and virtual personal assistants

We invite your input to this most important project

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